JoCo2024 - Support Social Sustainability


Actuaires du Monde participates to the JoCo2024, hosted by the Institute of Actuaries in Belgium.


We aim to demonstrate to all our members and attendees participating in JoCo2024 that financial inclusion presents new opportunities for the actuarial profession. Additionally, we seek to highlight through our previous activities that tailored actuarial and risk management training, suited to the local context in low and middle-income countries, directly contributes to the development of the financial services sector.

The enrollment fee for AdM members of €250 is for the organisor. Unlike our own congresses, we do not benefit from any institutional sponsors and only incur costs. However, our participation is crucial to promote our association and to be present at a major IAA section colloquium, which gathers many IAA section members, including former AWB members.

As is customary, we cover the transport, lodging, and fees for the volunteering speakers, all members of our association, two of whom are from low-income countries). To support this effort, we seek financial aid from all stakeholders contributing to the 'S' dimension in ESG and contributing to social sustainability.

We hope that will be sensitive to our request and make a (small) donation . We hope you can participate as well to see how actuaries have a pivotal role in ESG.

Do not hesitate to contact us at should you require more information or clarification. 

Thank you in advance and see you in Brussels !

Jean Berthon, Chair


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3 000 €
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Actuaires du Monde is a non profit Association established  under the law 1901 registered under N° W751258778.

Details collected by Actuaires du Monde at the time of donating are kept in strict confidence for the sole use of the association. They are essential for the sending of you tax receipt, should applicable. For more information consult our  confidentiality policy.

In compliance with the law ‘ technology and liberties’ and the european regulations, you can can oppose the use of personal details and also have the right of access to your details. You can exercise this demand by a simple request (

To know more about the treatment of your details and your rights, consult our legal notice.

By filling in the forms for donations you accept the general conditions.