The remote mentorship & tutoring program provides the following benefits to the global society:

  1. Assistance in the development of financial, actuarial and risk management professionnals where there is a lack of such resources.
  2. Contributes to the awareness of the new professions and the spread of financial, actuarial and risk management education by encouraging actuaries and academics across the world to volunteer in global mentoring, including actuarial exam tutoring, through a convenient platform available around the clock.

This program is not intended to provide free consulting services, executive coaching, personal life coaching, career coaching, etc. It is restricted to non-commercial use.

If you are interested in becoming a remote mentor, please complete the  mentor application form. If you are interested in receiving mentorship services, please complete the mentee application form.

To find more information about this initiative, please contact the Chief Executive Officer (contact@actuairesdumonde.orgor the Program Administrator (

This is a very meaningful initiative to the global society. With increasing talent mobility, leveraging of cross-border expertise, and harmonization of global best practices, there exists a tremendous opportunity for international subject matter experts to empower people in local, overseas and/or actuarially developing countries. We ask you to donate your time and embrace the passionate mentees who live in the actuarially developing world.

You can make an impact to people's life.



Click here for your mentor application.




Apply now to get a mentor!

Click here for your mentee application. 

Articles from our mentees and mentors !

Guide for mentoring and tutoring program

The remote mentoring program pairs up an experienced actuary (mentor) with a less experienced person such as actuarial student (mentee).

Mentoring or tutoring is an entirely voluntary activity.

The definition of a mentor is a trusted counselor or guide.  Mentors help foster the actuarial development and professional growth of mentees by sharing knowledge and insights that he or she has acquired over his or her actuarial practice.  A mentor has the ability to lead, inspire and motivate his or her mentee by expanding his or her awareness, insight, and perspective.  Mentors are a powerful force for developing successful actuarial professionals.

The mentoring process consists of two-way dynamic and it requires that the mentor and the mentee work together to reach specific goals.  In order to set and manage appropriate expectations, mentor and mentee should provide each other with routine and sufficient feedback to ensure that those mutually agreed goals are reached within a reasonable timeframe.


The most successful mentoring relationships develop as a result of participants devoting quality and productive time together.

Mentors and mentees are free to choose the activities in which they participate, however, standards of professionalism must be adhered to at all times.  In the interest of facilitating the mentoring relationship, it is suggested that the following meeting strategies be followed:

•     mentees are expected to take the initiative to schedule meetings

•   mentees should be sensitive to their mentor’s availability and preferred method of scheduling

•   it is recommended that mentors and mentees interact in appropriate length such as 30-60 minutes each time (to provide sufficient time to have an in-depth conversation but not too long to become a burden for either person)

•   it is recommended that mentors and mentees interact in a mutually agreed frequency such as once every 2 weeks, once a month, or once every 2 months; nonetheless, mentees should be allowed to contact their mentors between scheduled meetings, when appropriate

Best practice.

Although each mentoring relationship is different, there are certain common characteristics exhibited by the most successful ones.

The following are universal best and worst practices of mentorship:




  • Ask your mentee to have an agenda of questions or discussion topics prepared for your next video conference
  • Maintain a friendly tone and be positive
  • Be aware mentee has different cultural background
  • Encourage development opportunities for your mentee as opposed to focusing on immediate problem solving
  • Bring the focus back to relevant topics when the conversation veers away
  • Share pertinent work/actuarial practice experiences with your mentee
  • Give positive reinforcement when your mentee is doing something right
  • Serves as a sounding board for ideas
  • Set goals with your mentee
  • Immediately communicate offensive messages to ADM and ADM will rearrange another mentorship arrangement for you and inform such mentee about the termination of his or her mentorship arrangement with you
  • Don’t allow your mentee to have unrealistic expectations without explaining why they are unrealistic
  • Don’t take over the conversation; give your mentee ownership of the conversation as well
  • Don’t provide commercial services or advices which normally require fees
  • Don’t use words others might find offensive and avoid personal attacks or name-calling
  • Don’t attempt to resolve your mentee’s problems yourself instead of leading your mentee to find answers on his or her own
  • Don’t attempt to solve or assist mentee to solve his or her personal or financial problems, especially those beyond actuarial nature
  • Don’t allow the focus of the conversation to get away from your
  • Don’t discuss confidential information and don’t share private information




  • Take responsibility for scheduling regular video conference with your mentor
  • Acknowledge how busy your mentor is
  • Be on time
  • Be prepared
  • Be honest
  • Be receptive to feedback
  • Not afraid to tactfully and respectfully disagree with his or her mentor
  • Follow through on commitments and goals set during the mentoring sessions
  • Admit mistakes and take responsibility for them
  • Be aware mentor has different cultural background
  • Have a goal/goals in mind
  • Stay focused on your goals
  • Discuss whether your mentor’s suggestions were helpful and what positive effects they have had on your career
  • Thank your mentor
  • Immediately communicate offensive messages to ADM and ADM will rearrange another mentorship arrangement for you and inform such mentor about the termination of his or her mentorship arrangement with you
  • Don’t wait for your mentor to schedule your mentorship video conference
  • Don’t come unprepared to discuss your questions or topics
  • Don’t be too focused on immediate problem solving as opposed to development opportunities that will help get you there
  • Don’t talk about inappropriate topics
  • Don’t use words others might find offensive and avoid personal attacks or name-calling
  • Don’t be unreceptive to suggestions offered by your mentor
  • Don’t discuss confidential information and don’t share private information
  • Don’t be negative
  • Don’t play the victim





Very few relationships live up to the promise of a long-term relationship.  Maintaining a remote relationship for long-term is even more difficult.  The expectation is that each mentorship relationship will last for 6 to 12 months.  Mentee will submit a new request for mentorship service based on his or her needs at that time.  Mentor will be re-assigned to a different mentee, if the mentor would like to continue his or her participation in this program.   

Mentee’s circumstances will evolve along with his or her professional growth.  A qualified mentor to assist in one period may not be the best person to assist in a subsequent period.  However, the mentor and mentee should not quickly declare failure without devoting sufficient efforts into the relationship.  Hence, it is recommended that the mentor and mentee maintain the relationship for 6 to 12 months.  This timeframe provides sufficient time to set achievable goals and pursue the required professional development.  With the awareness of a finite duration of relationship, the mentor and mentee will treasure the time they spend together.  At the end of the period, mentee may request renewal of existing relationship or the program can review mentee’s new request and assign a different mentor for another 6 to 12 months.



No liability


« Actuaires du Monde” (AdM) is not liable for the accuracy or the appropriateness of the information given by the mentors. AdM is not liable for how mentees interpret and utilize the information. 

AdM’s remote global mentorship program provides a platform to match mentors and mentees.  AdM does not monitor the information or advice given by the mentor or the discussion topics between mentors and mentees.  AdM cannot ensure the advice is accurate or appropriate for the mentee’s circumstances.  Mentee should apply his or her own judgement upon receiving mentor’s information and advice.  If appropriate, mentee should seek a third party opinion before adopting the mentor’s information or advice.  If either mentor or mentee feels uncomfortable with the mentorship relationship or any of the discussion between them, they should suspend the dialogue and bring it to the program manager’s or CEO’s immediate attention and send an email to


This program is offered in a remote basis which means mentors and mentees often reside in different countries.  They are encouraged to use free computer software or free apps for mobile phone to communicate and to hold video conference.  Free tools should be used to avoid expenses.  AdM will not provide reimbursement.

It is suggested that each video conference be held in an environment that is quiet and comfortable, so that both parties have each other’s exclusive attention.  For mentees residing in less developed countries, internet service may be limited so mentors should be aware that mentees may take several attempts to find and test a suitable location for holding a smooth video conference.


Sample steps

Mentoring relationships generally progress through a series of steps leading to greater understanding between individuals.  They all involve shared experiences that lead to a special connection.

Mentoring relationships may be fostered by the steps and topics included below.  The list provides you with an idea so that you may customize your own list that is suitable for your circumstances.  Each relationship is inevitable diversified and, therefore participants should be flexible. 

Step 1: Building a Relationship

1.1 Defining your relationship
1.1.1 Schedule appointments
1.1.2 Availability to meet
1.1.3 Expectations

1.2 Getting to know each other
1.2.1 Personal and cultural background
1.2.2 Professional background

1.3 Understanding the cultural differences
1.3.1 Ethics, rules and regulations
1.3.2 What it takes to be successful

Step 2: Taking Control of own Career

2.1 Identifying opportunities for development
2.1.1 Assess your present skills and list your desired skills
2.1.2 Discuss strategies to achieve desired skills
2.1.3 Develop a plan to leverage existing skills
2.1.4 Identify assignments to broaden your skills
2.1.5 Market your skills

2.2 Evaluating and prioritizing goals
2.2.1 Evaluate short and long term goals
2.2.2 Create an action timeline
2.2.3 Milestones
2.2.4 Criteria for success

Step 3: Implementing Developmental Strategies

3.1 Pursuing short and long term goals
3.1.1 Getting started
3.1.2 Doing research
3.1.3 Managing your time

3.2 Taking advantage of development opportunities
3.2.1 Participate in relevant activities

Step 4: Feedback and Refinement

4.1 Getting and giving feedback
4.1.1 Review progress
4.1.2 Lessons learned
4.1.3 Impact of mentoring relationship

4.2 Refine your strategy
4.2.1 Adjust your plan as needed
4.2.2 Refine goals based on progress and experience
4.2.3 Reevaluate priorities

4.3 Exit
4.3.1 If the relationship isn’t working, don’t be afraid to ask for a new mentor or mentee
4.3.2 When goals are achieved, submit a new request for next mentorship relationship



Paris, January 2021

SUJET : Partage d’expérience – Programme de mentorat / tutorat

Auteur: BANASSOUBEK Junior Boris


           Bonjour Mesdames et messieurs,

C’est avec un grand plaisir que je saisi l’opportunité qui m’a été offerte de m’exprimer devant vous à travers ces écrits.

Je m’appelle BANASSOUBEK Junior Boris, Camerounais d’origine, de nationalité et résident actuellement. Il y’a très peu de temps, je viens de terminer mon master en Actuariat à l’Université de Douala Cameroun. Je dirai par cette occasion que je suis encore novice dans le cadre du monde Actuariel.

            La découverte de ce monde et de son environnement m’a permis en quelques sortes de pouvoir libérer une énergie intellectuelle qui a toujours été enfouie en moi. Je ne manquerai pas de préciser que l’environnement dans lequel j’ai suivi cette formation de master Actuariat est adéquat pour suivre ces rêves en comparatif identique des autres pays francophone en voie de développement comme le mien mais donc les efforts sont encore à fournir pour un objectif international. Par cette occasion je tiens tout d’abord a remercié cette université et le corps enseignant qui m’ont permis de découvrir cet univers qui malheureusement tarde à décoller dans nos économies actuelles. Bien évidemment, un remerciement particulier à madame Renata De LEERS, une dame que j’ai fait connaissance dans des circonstances de recherche du savoir actuariel. Elle m’a coache quelques temps sur mon projet de mémoire de master mais également consacre quelques minutes de son temps au quotidien d’échanger avec moi sur les notions actuarielles et ses évolutions à travers le monde. Sans toutefois oublier de noter que c’est grâce à son concours que j’ai pu rejoindre le programme de mentorat proposé par l’AdM. Un merci particulier à mon mentor qui dispose de son temps au quotidien pour partager son expérience.

Je suis le programme de mentorat depuis le mois de janvier 2021 avec un mentor qui m’a été assigne par l’AdM, nous travaillons principalement sur la préparation des examens de la SoA. Mais aussi de temps en temps, il partage son expérience professionnelle sur certaines questions et notions actuarielles. Précisément, bien qu’il soit beaucoup plus axé sur l’assurance vie, nous échangeons sur les notions de microassurance santé dans le cadre d’une proposition de mise en place de ce produit au Cameroun. Ce sujet qui a toujours été ma préoccupation majeure car les économies des pays du Sud n’ont pas encore atteint l’apogée pour laisser prospérer l’assurance classique, nous devons par conséquent chercher à éradiquer la vulnérabilité sociale à travers la mise en place des produits micro-assurantiels accessible à tous. C’est ce qui fait l’objet de mon étude actuelle. Plus encore, les discussions avec mon mentor, me permettent de jour en jour de comprendre finesse intellectuelle que doit posséder un actuaire pour mieux appréhender l’étude du risque dans son ensemble. J’ajouterai à ceci mon dévouement à la conquête de ce savoir actuariel qui m’a permis de découvrir ce nouvel horizon de l’AdM et j’en suis en toute humilité ravie d’en bénéficier de cette volonté de partage de ce précieux savoir.

Cet engouement de devenir un actuaire qualifier IAA/AAI à travers ce programme de bénévolat de mentorat mise en place par l’AdM dont je bénéficie en ce moment demeure un challenge donc j’espère par le coaching de mon mentor arrivera à son but précis.

Sans doute, la question de savoir à quel point se trouve le niveau de croissance des professionnels du métier d’actuaire demeure toujours au Cameroun. Il existe une association sous le nom de Maison des Actuaires du Cameroun (MAC) non encore reconnue par aucune autre association régionale ou internationale. La MAC compte en ce jour près de 07 membres actuaires actifs, plus de 13 anciens membres et plusieurs sympathisants parmi lesquels on retrouve des étudiants dont je fais partis et divers autres membres. Notons également que la plupart des compagnies d’assurance tardent à mettre en place une unité d’étude actuarielle d’où l’insertion des actuaires juniors reste difficile dans le territoire national. Ce métier toujours peu connu du monde professionnel dans notre pays permet de comprendre qu’il faudra franchir plusieurs étapes afin de parvenir au sommet. C’est pourquoi toute initiative comme celle de l’AdM de bénévolat pour l’échange des connaissances actuarielles dans les pays en émergences sera toujours une très belle opportunité pour nos sociétés embryonnaires du monde actuariel de mieux apprendre et appliquer les méthodes et principes éthiques qui en découlent.

             Je terminerai mes propos en remerciant une fois de plus l’AdM et tous ceux qui font le bénévolat actuariel dans le cadre du programme de mentorat, monitoring et bien d’autres à travers cette association. Une très belle initiative que je félicite encore et dans un futur proche et favorable, je n’hésiterai pas de m’incorporer et à partager mon savoir.

Merci Mr Karsten DE BRAAF !


Auteur: BANASSOUBEK Junior Boris

Actuaire Junior

Fait à Douala (Cameroun), le 16 mars 2021.

E-mail :


Subject: Reflections from Volunteering with the Global Mentorship Program

Author: Michael Mendel

Date: December 2018


Like many actuaries, I have always had a passion for travel. Early in my career, I always tried to take at least one international trip every year. These vacations produced cherished memories, but I never stayed long enough to really learn a lot about the places I was visiting.

While working for Deloitte Consulting, I had the opportunity to work with actuaries based in India. When an opportunity arose to travel to India for a month to work directly with our actuaries, I quickly raised my hand.

After completing my Fellowship in 2015, I took a short break from my career to embark on a journey around the world. Upon my return, I was interested in ways to get involved with the international actuarial community. This interest, and the International Actuarial Association (IAA) Council & Committee meetings in my home city of Chicago in 2017 led to my involvement with the Actuaries Without Borders (AWB) Global Mentorship Program (GMP).

For those not familiar with the IAA, it is a not-for-profit organization which serves as the global association of member actuarial organizations. As of November, 2018, there are 74 full member (including the S.O.A.) and 25 associate member organizations,. It is served by approximately 800 volunteers across the planet and an administrative secretariat based in Ottawa.

Actuaries Without Borders was founded in 2003 and is a section of the IAA. AWB’s focus is supporting the IAA in the development, organization, and promotion of the actuarial profession in countries in which it is not present or fully developed. AWB provides support, advice, and education but does not provide direct actuarial services on a consulting basis.

The Global Mentorship Program was started in 2015 to connect experienced actuaries in mature markets with aspiring actuarial professionals in countries with fewer actuarial resources. Since its inception, we have paired nearly 100 mentees based in five continents.

As I mentioned in the intro, I first became involved with AWB in 2017. I had been serving as a mentor for several months when I took over as Deputy Program Manager. I was tasked with pairing mentors and mentees. My job seemed deceptively simple at first: create a list of mentors and a list of mentees and make some pairs!

In one sense, this was correct. There were some common-sense criteria to consider. For example, we should pair mentors and mentees who speak the same language and practice the same actuarial discipline. We should try to pair mentees who are seeking assistance with passing exams with mentors who are comfortable tutoring.

However, it wasn’t quite so simple. While I certainly don’t have all of the answers, I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the lessons I’ve learned in my time volunteering with this program both as Deputy Program Manager and as a mentor.


Lessons Learned as Deputy Program Manager

Vet Mentees

We receive mentee applications from aspiring actuaries of all experience levels from all over the globe. Through this program, we aspire to help as many as we possibly can. However, it is important to also consider the experience of the mentors when pairing applicants. Developing a solid process to triage incoming applications has made a significant difference in building successful pairings.

It is critical to, as best we can, determine who is serious about participating the program. Often, it is apparent from an application through an applicant’s responses and/or through their career accomplishments. Other applications are missing critical information or don’t show as much effort. We have brought on two assistants to help with this process and reach out to all of our applicants. While this has meant slowing down the process between application and pairing, we believe it has dramatically improved the mentor experience and led to more fruitful relationships.

Provide Clear Instructions

Early on, we had the odd experience of sending an email introducing mentors and mentees and then…nothing happened. No one would send the next email, and we had a failure to launch.

It turned out that the vast majority of these instances were due to one of two reasons. The first was the reason addressed above: insufficient vetting. This improved our response rate somewhat but did not explain all of the non-responses.

After speaking with AWB leadership, we discovered the other reason, our instructions were not clear enough. In the United States (as in other countries from which we receive the bulk of mentor applications), it is generally understood that mentees are responsible for initiating contact with mentors. However, this is not necessarily customary to our mentees. In many countries, junior employees do not typically reach out to their seniors without being specifically prompted to do so. Once we made our instructions clearer, we greatly reduced the number of pairs who did not make initial contact.

Learn to Accept (some) Failure

Despite our best efforts, it won’t always work out between a mentor and mentee. I often took this failure personally, thinking “if I had only made a more logical assignment, it would have worked out better.” This way of thinking was paralyzing at times. Why bother doing this work if it will not go anywhere?

While I still struggle with this at times, I have come to accept that some level of failure is inevitable. Some people will apply to the program with the best of intentions only to have life get in the way. Some pairings will never establish the chemistry needed for success. It’s important to learn from these failures, accept them, and move on.


Lessons Learned as a Mentor

I’ve had the privilege to work with three incredible mentees throughout the past year and a half. In addition, I’ve spoken to others affiliated with the program. I believe I’ve improved considerably as a mentor throughout this period. It sounds cliché, but I really feel that I have learned as much or more from mentees as they have from me. The following were some of the most interesting things I’ve learned.

Challenges Faced by International Actuaries

Most of us start our careers with little knowledge about how to perform actuarial work. Throughout my career, I have relied upon senior actuaries to show me the ropes. Even with more than ten years of experience, not a day goes by where I’m not asking another actuary for advice or to review my work.

Now imagine you are transported to a company where you are the only actuary. To make matters worse, your boss is a business person with little understanding of actuarial science and who has aggressive growth goals to meet. This situation is a typical one for our mentees to face.

The most important task for a mentor is to provide much-needed guidance to our mentees. This can take many forms. I’ve discussed detailed reserving methodology, Excel best practices, how to be an effective manager and much more with my mentees. Being a mentor is tremendously rewarding, and it is great preparation for newly-credentialed actuaries looking to gain experience as managers.

Barriers to Passing Exams

Complaining about actuarial exams with our peers is a time-honored tradition. The exams are extremely challenging and one can work extremely hard and still have nothing to show at the end of the day.

But we often take for granted certain advantages which do not exist in many developing nations. Most companies offer study time during work hours and pay for actuarial students’ exam registration and study materials.

Many of our mentees face a daunting set of challenges. Imagine risking a substantial portion of your salary to pay for exam registration and materials (it is worth noting that the societies and some vendors offer discounts to developing nations). You are given no time at work to study and you have an unpredictable, one-hour commute each way. You are one of the few people in your company or even in your city or country who know what it’s like to struggle with the actuarial exams.

As a mentor, you have the opportunity to help bridge these gaps. We ask each mentor who applies if he or she wishes to tutor a mentee. Through your relationship, you can teach exam concepts, work through problems, and provide emotional support for your mentee.

Recurring Meetings with Clear Goals

I’ve found, through my own experience and from the experience of others, it is important to schedule recurring meetings with clear goals. I’ve found every two weeks to be a good frequency, knowing that some meetings will inevitably need to be cancelled.

Setting a default meeting time helps make sure the lines of communication stay open. There are often substantial time zone differences, so available meeting times can be limited. The mentee should plan topics for discussion for each meeting. This doesn’t have to be time consuming, but a few minutes of planning can dramatically increase productivity.


It has been a wonderful journey so far with this program, and I look forward to it continuing in the future. Please consider applying to Actuaries Without Borders Global Mentorship Program. You can find both the mentor and mentee online applications at the following link.


Michael Mendel, FCAS, MAAA was  the Project Manager for the Actuaries Without Borders Global Mentorship Program 2017 – 2019 and is a pricing actuary for Zurich North America based in Chicago. Please feel free to reach out at with any questions.

He is Full Member of ‘Actuaries of the World’ (Actuaires du Monde).