Corporate partnership


Become a Corporate Partner 

Being a corporate partner of Actuaires du Monde indicates you are assuming social responsibility and are contributing towards the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals.

* Funding education is smart

* The spread and availability of education could actually change the world for better 

* Health care is a human right

* Your company and your staff help, through our projects, people in underserved communities who are often denied financial access

* Your company wishes to level the playing field for women around the world for everyone benefits

What is the money needed for ?

Funding is needed for the day-to-day management of the organization and to finance the execution of projects with our objectives, as for example reimbursing volunteers for their airfare and expenses.

We have a simple and transparent accounting of how we use the funds. Should you decide to support our mission, we will show you how every euro is used.

We cannot fully achieve our mission without your support! 


With gratitude

Jean Berthon, Chair

150 €
50 000 €

What type of receipt do you want?

What is the amount of your donation?


Actuaires du Monde is a non profit Association established  under the law 1901 registered under N° W751258778.

Details collected by Actuaires du Monde at the time of donating are kept in strict confidence for the sole use of the association. They are essential for the sending of you tax receipt, should applicable. For more information consult our  confidentiality policy.

In compliance with the law ‘ technology and liberties’ and the european regulations, you can can oppose the use of personal details and also have the right of access to your details. You can exercise this demand by a simple request (

To know more about the treatment of your details and your rights, consult our legal notice.

By filling in the forms for donations you accept the general conditions.